I hope you are going through this article, standing in front of your desk! In this day and age, standing desks bring in much craze among people and their merits are often remarked about. I kind of love the concept of this. The basic purpose of standing desks is to let you do your work while standing rather than sitting in a chair. It definitely takes a lot of effort to keep standing instead of sitting. However, as days pass by, you will get used to this and the calories you burnt will surely sum up to something worthy. To be exact, using a standing desk for around three to four hours or more helps in burning around 25 to 35 calories, which is almost equal to the calorie count in a tomato.
Some of us might think that using a standing desk can help us in avoiding weight gain, but no it doesn’t help with any of that. This is because when you stand, your body is at rest and there is no energy flow taking place. Yet, there are a lot of pros when you replace your sitting chair with a standing desk! Advocates of standing desks have pointed out that, if a person keeps standing instead of sitting after one heavy meal, his or her levels of blood sugar are likely to normalize quickly. In addition to this, using a standing chair says ‘no’ to any risks of having back pain or shoulder pain.
As every other intervention, this too has a few cons to mention about. To exemplify, while getting used to this habit of remaining upright, it might distract your concentration to a little extend. Also, if you suddenly shift from sitting all day to standing, it might bring you several side effects. If that is the case, you tend to develop leg or foot pain. Moreover, standing at a desk may not be an actual solution for those people who have to work for really long hours in a day.
An adjustable standing desk as the name suggests, helps in adjusting the heights than in a regular standing desk. This type of standing desk helps you to change, adjust and cycle your positions between sitting and standing throughout the work. This is necessary to keep you in your comfort and helps in maintaining your health as well. Yet another type is an automatic standing desk. This type of standing desk responds quickly to the desired table height preference with ease. Having the features of an electronic standing desk, this is way better than the conventional standing desks. This standing desk is DIY automated for height adjusting and is hence called DIY standing desk. An electric adjustable standing desk is basically powered by a precision linear motor which helps in its efficiency to work. A standing desk also comes in varieties of shapes and sizes. L-shaped, I-shaped standing desks are to name a few. This is to give you an environment-friendly corner to do your work.
In a nutshell, standing at a desk can be considered better sitting in an ergonomic chair. Working at a standing desk can also make you more productive than sitting in chair does. Indeed, standing desks aren’t perfect either. It has its own side effects and can never replace exercise.
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